Sunday, July 17, 2011

1 week programme

i read an article in the magazine today, about 168 hours without FB for an FB-addict.... i was thinking, can i put myself in that test too? at the same time, putting on my diet programme into it, and see what outcome i'm gonna get after i return from Cherating,coz by then i will have to log in to FB to post up all my wonderful photos....

Since i have to keep smtg busy in my brain, putting these reminders would be smtg too rite?

1) No more logging into FB until i return from Cherating effective from 12am tonite...
2) Diet programme starts tomoro until i land in Cherating for good food... means, no more rice for a week, if possible, fruit lunch, and light dinner..= plenty plenty plenty of water.....
3) If only i can do this, stop my tears from flowing..i dun wan my Cherating photos to be captured like a gold fish!!

Jessey Yap, gambateh on the one-week programme!!!! Let's see wat we got 1 week later....

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