Friday, July 8, 2011


Leaving the blog for a few days,just to get a peace of mind....but in the end,i still have to come back here,to drop my words and heart feelings......

How have i been? still the same.... but glad that we finally make it to the trip to Pg...yeah, my hometown...and he really make Pg more meaningful to me.... make me loves the beach more... he left me the best memories on the beach... the trip was short....2 days..but this is a whole life memory which is still so fresh in my mind. It was like a dream,really even when i am back here, still as if it was a was too perfect, and i never felt that throughout my life before. if possible, i really wish that we would do it again, and wish to have more time. That 2 days, it was like living in heaven, i felt so pampered and loved. Cuddling with him on bed,hug each other to sleep, and waking up to see him the first, being morning kiss on the forehead...tat was the kind of relationship i wanted.... i said, it was just a day,when i woke up, the dream will be gone,and wat left will be heartache and forever memories.....

i finally told him tat, i wanted his baby. i wanted to leave smtg of him wif me, that i can have all by myself forever and will not leave me...our baby... i have never thought i would want to have baby with any guys,but him....i dunno,i just wanted,i dun even know y i could have fall so deep this time..i thought the previous was bad enuff,but this time, i have really went far beyond, i dun know how to turn back as well...i see no u-turn in front....i know he wont be there in my life in the future, he has his own responsibilities, that is why i want him to leave something for me, i dun need him to be responsible for us, i dun need as well, i believe i can make it by myself. he is alwiz worry about my health, how am i gonna do this myself.... i know what is his concern, i just wanna tell him "dear, i dunno how to assured you how certain i am of this baby, i dunno how to convinced you that i can do it, i just know, i can,and i will, with or without you...." but everytime he ignores the topic, or expression telling me, he dun wan me to do it, it just hurt and really make me feel the thrill back my spine, the sourness crawls thru every vein....


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