Saturday, July 9, 2011


thought that after the medical report was good enuff, everything shd be ok. not until today i went for the detail check-up for my pap smear, and heard the possibility of my infection. Dr Delaila (my gynae) told me, she will do the pap smear again for me, with detail test, this virus called HPV, which i am infected wif, according to Dr, if is harmless,i just need to be on medication to clear it off, but if it's harmful, it could be celvix cancer. I was a lil doomed that time...but have to be positive, and i believe i will be fine. Just will wait for the next appointment end of this month to see the results.

Went to gastroentologist as well,Dr Tan, same sickness again, reflux again, but dun have to go for endoscopic yet. he put me on medication and see if i recover. if my situation remains the same or got worse, then i will have to go for the endoscopic. All fav food banned,liquor banned..... :(

The most painful part of pocket!! this trip of check-up cost me RM 921!!!! must faster claim back from company de.....

i did not plan to tell him the results,not actually results too,coz the report is not out... so,just treat it as nothing, wait till report is out oni decide whether to tell him or not.... 1.i din want him to worry. 2. he shd not know if in case i'm really diagnosed,coz i will go thru this myself....


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